Public Relations

單圖版圖片 2013年6月14日世界捐血人日-捐血拯救生命的禮物巨幅拼圖

Public Relations

Give Blood With Love, If Not Us But Who
To alleviate the blood shortage throughout the Chinese Lunar New Year and to amass medical blood, the month before the Chinese Lunar New Year has been designated as the "Blood Donation Awareness Month", each blood donation center will organize various blood donation activities during this month, at the same time respectfully requesting the President to publish a "Blood Donation Awareness Letter," calling on the nation to donate blood enthusiastically. Because 2013 is the year of the Snake in the Chinese culture, so the main theme for the blood donation awareness month was to focus on self-sacrifice, with the Chinese character of "sacrifice" and "snake" being homophones. A press conference was held on January 4th with guest speakers Ms. Jia-Jen Yu, Ms. Ying-Shan Chen, and Ms. Chen's mother sharing their stories on saving lives through blood donation. Ms. Yu is a zealous visually impaired blood donor, and Ms. Chen's family has five Rh negative blood-typed relatives. Well-known singer Julia Peng was also invited to share her recent story about how 3,000cc of blood had saved her life from the postpartum hemorrhage she incurred while giving birth. Another story is that Ms. Yu-Jen Chang told us about her life long journey of being a regular blood transfusion recipient ever since three months old due to thalassemia. Together, the guest speakers expressed their gratitude to all blood donors, and it was a heartwarming scene .
Blood Donation - A Gift of Life
The theme of the 2013 "World Blood Donor Day" was "Every Blood Donation is a Gift of Life." The Foundation made a special comparison between Taiwan and the rest of the world on blood transfusion related data. The statistics were obtained from the World Health Organization (WHO). The comparison had shown that Taiwan is well recognized and even surpassed other advanced nations in promoting voluntary non-remunerated blood donation and blood safety.
The "blood bag tree of life" representing "A Gift of Life" was promoted at the press conference, and the leading woman donor in the nation, Ms. Chiu-Chuan Wang was also invited along with two young individuals, Wen-Hsiung Lai, Yung-Jia Chen, and their families, to share their stories on blood donation. Ms. Wang's blood donation stories were not only highly reported in the Taiwanese news media, but were all over the Chinese Xinhua Net, and the CNA Foreign Press Center even reported it in English.
Business and Organization Joint Efforts
For years, businesses and organizations have strongly supported the cause of blood donation and actively organized various blood donation activities. This year, the national organizations, military, and medical institutions have donated a total of 730,981 units of blood, which is 29.35% of the total blood donation. Details as followed : (250cc per unit)

The Lions Club
The Kiwanis
The Armed Forces
Buddha’s Light International Association, R.O.C
The Rotary Club
Medical Care Institutions

In addition, businesses also regularly host large national blood donation events to benefit patients in need of blood. Nationwide blood donation activities for 2013 are as follows : (chronologically ordered)
1. Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation : January 4th~18th. Held at the Taipei Nangang Head Office, the Taichung Station, and the Kaohsiung Station. 542 units of blood (250cc per unit) received from the three events.
2. Fubon Charity Foundation : January 8th~25th. The theme was "Fubon love, it's really awesome." 4,124 units of blood received from the 27 events.
3. TASTy Restaurant : "Calling For A Million Passionate Young'uns" event was held from January 24th~26th and June 14th~30th, with 63,503 units of blood received.
4. The Capital Group : January 27th~March 22nd. The theme was "Rallied love, the charity of passing on happiness." Received 924 units of blood from the 8 events.
5. Shin Kong Group : February 20nd~24rd. The theme was "I donate blood, let the love unite." Received 1,317 units of blood from 8 events.
6. Chunghwa Post Co. Ltd. : February 21st~March 20th. The theme was "Sending warm blooded passion, Postal Life Insurance Blood Donation Month." 29,288 units of blood was received from 240 events.
7. Nan Shan Life Foundation : May 16th~August 30th. The theme was "2013 Nan Shan Life blood Donation Event" 13,786 units of blood received after 97 events.
8. National Conscription Agency (Ministry of the Interior) : June 1st~September 30th. To encourage the personnels in the Alternative Military Service Program to donate blood, the theme was "offering love and duties, one million cc in the summer." 8,964 units of blood was received from this period.
9. Cathay Charity Foundation : June 26th~September 7th. The theme was "2013 Summer Blood Donation Event." 14,909 units of blood received from 73 events.
10. Taiwan Life Insurance Co. Ltd. : July 5th~September 21st. The theme was "Taiwan Life 2013 Enthusiastic Collection." 725 units of blood received from 10 events.
11. Global Life Insurance Co. Ltd. : July 19th~26th. Held in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung. The theme was "Global Life Insurance 20th Anniversary Blood Donation Event." 385 units of blood received from 3 events.
12. Ho Tai Motor : August 2nd~27th. The theme was "2013 Ho Tai Motor National Blood Donation Month." 4,381 units of blood received from 61 events.
13. Lungyen Charitable Foundation : August 2nd~October 22nd. The theme was "Heat up the passion, pass on love and hope." 676 units of blood received from 7 events.
14. Feng Chia University Alumni Association : November 2nd~16th. National Alumni Synchronizing Blood Donation Event. 3,216 units of blood received from 22 events.
Devote your heart and effort to give back to the community
Over the years, organizations, businesses, and civil groups have been helping with money and effort not only to host various blood donation campaigns, but also enthusiasticly donated various supplies. This year, all Blood Centers raised a total of five blood donation buses, three blood product transport vehicles, two administrative publicity vehicles, and 159,835 blood collection bags. Details as followed :

Blood Centers
Blood  Collection Bag
Blood Donation
Blood Product Transport
Publicity Vehicle

Blood Donation Outstanding Merit Recognition
Each Blood Center held their outstanding merit recognition ceremony between April and May within their respective regions. There were 113 schools receiving the recognition this year, and were awarded certificates from the Ministry of Education; and community organizations a total of 336 units were awarded certificates from the Ministry of the Interior; and the National Armed Forces a total of 35 units were awarded certificates from the Ministry of National Defense; and another 142 units or individuals received outstanding contribution recognition certificates from our Foundation. Personal outstanding merit recognition: 5,621 people to donate whole blood from 100 to 410 times; apheresis blood donation from 100 to 1,600 times were 5,244 people, of which, 153 people to donate over 1,000 times. Also, apheresis blood donation of 500 times or above; male whole blood donation of 150 times or above, female whole blood donation of 100 times of above, the above mentioned outstanding donors were 464 people (212 whole blood; 252 apheresis blood donation), and not only did they receive a recognition certificate from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, they were also awarded an honorary medal by the Chairman of the Chinese Blood Donation Association.
Each Blood Center's Recognition Ceremonies took place at the following times and locations :
Taipei Blood Center on April 26th/ Multi-Functional conference hall in New Taipei City Administration center.
Hsinchu Blood Center on May 10th/ International conference hall in National Guest Hotel in Hsinchu city.
Taichung Blood Center on April 25th/ Chau-Gun City Restaurant in Taichung City.
Tainan Blood Center on April 18th/ Art hall in Life Artwork Library in Tainan City.
Kaohsiung Blood Center on April 27th/ International conference hall in National Kaohsiung Ocean Technology University.
Hualien Blood Center on May 17th/ One restaurant in Taidon City.
The 2012 annual outstanding blood donors representative met with the president on December 18th at the Presidential Palace. Our outstanding blood donor this year is Mr. Ren-Kuen Kuo (43 years old), a police officer from the Yunline Douliu police station. Mr. Kuo has been donating blood since he turned 18 as a senior in high school with donation count of more than 800 times. He feels that to save a precious life, makes him happier than to catch a thief; to be able to regularly donate platelets, he is very strict on his health management, he said that donating blood is one of the biggest secret to a good health.
Satisfaction Survey - Value the needs of the blood donors
The 2013 "Blood donation service needs and satisfaction survey" was fully conducted from November 11th to December 4th, the survey focused on qualified donors with over one hundred whole blood donations that have not returned to donate in the past two year. This survey was conducted by mailing the questionnaires, and a total of 1,078 questionnaires were sent; 262 valid questionnaires were returned, with a return rate of 24.3%.
After statistical analysis, the main conclusions are :
( 1 ) The reason for not donating in the past two years, in terms of personal reason with "suffering from cancer or other sicknesses/injuries and need surgery or medication which is unable to donate blood," being the highest; in terms of blood donation service "Can not find a convenient location to donate blood," being the highest ( 2 ) The highest satisfaction was on "blood donation facility was clean and comfortable," at 93%; while the lowest satisfaction was on "health diagnosis list on the blood donor registration form" at 70.9% ( 3 ) Blood Donors felt the most important item was "for the blood sampling technicians to have excellent needle insertion techniques."
It is worth mentioning that 99.1 % of the blood donors surveyed "agree" if they are in good physical conditions, they are willing to donate blood regularly. In addition, 76.3% of the blood donors "do not agree" that the souvenirs affect the willingness to donate blood; only 23.7% of the blood donors "agree" that the souvenirs will affect the willingness to donate blood.
International Exchange to Acquire New Knowledge
In recent years, the Foundation has been actively participating in various international conferences to learn new relevant knowledge. The international conferences we have participated in the year are as followed :
1. The 23rd International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) European Regional Conference from June 2nd to 5th, held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Vice Chairman Jin-Chuan Yeh led a team of delegates composed of CEO Sheng-Tang Wei, Director of the Taipei Blood Center Mr. Cheng-Sheng Hung, Director of the Taichung Blood Center Chi-Ling Lin, technical team leader Shuan-Huei Wang, research technical specialist Shuan-Chong Bai, and the Hsinchu Blood Center business supervisor Chong-Yu Wang.
2. The 2013 American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) Annual International Conference was held from October 12th to 15th in Denver, Colorado, United States. Director of Tainan Blood Center Guang-Chao Tsai led a team of delegates composed of technical specialist Meng-Hua Yang from the Taipei Blood Center, physician in charge from the Hsinchu Blood Center Fan-Fan Meng, physician in charge from the Kaohsiung Blood Center Shi-Bin Tseng and technical specialist Shiao-Lin Lin.
3. The 24th International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) Asia Regional Conference was held from December 1st to 4th in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, CEO Sheng-Tang Wei led a team of delegates composed of vice Deputy CEO Bing-Shin Yang, Director of the Kaohsiung Blood Center Chi-Min Hong, Director of the Hualien Blood Center Yun-Long Wang, the Taipei Blood Center medical supervisor Huei-Huh Hsieh and the Kaohsiung Blood Center technical inspector Wen-Ling Pan.
4. The 1st Asia-Pacific Blood Connection (APBN) conference was held from May 31st to June 1st 2013 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. CEO Sheng-Tang Wei and Director of the Taipei Blood Center Cheng-Shen Hung were the representing delegates; The 2nd conference was held from November 29th to 30th in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and the representing delegates were CEO Sheng-Tang Wei, deputy CEO Bing-Shin Yang, Director of the Kaohsiung Blood Center Chi-Min Hung, and the Director of the Hualien Blood Center Yun-Long Wang.
Blood Donation Volunteers spread the love
Aside from active participation in regular blood donation advocacy, blood donation volunteers also assist the Blood Centers to strengthen and service blood donor affairs. One of the honorary recognized donors who met with the President this year, Mr. Kuei-Ding Tseng is not only a blood donor with more than 1,000 donations, but a volunteer at the Sanchong Blood Station. Their services were appreciated and recognized.
Internet marketing as mainstream advocacy
In recent years, the Internet has become an effectiv tool for publicity, marketing and public relations. Unlike in the past when television and newspaper served as mainstream media, today, the internet has become the main source of information for all news media.
Not only can one find out about the latest activities through our official website, the blood donation locations can also be inquired; provisions on high-risk infectious epidemic zones; medication and surgery limitations; and blood donation information, etc. In addition, there is a medical personnel area on our website for hospitals to search on related conference information; Children's area is designed in entertaining and educational ways, emphasizing on the importance of blood donation starting from the foundation. To add, on the "I- Blood" Donation website, people can post their feelings and suggestions on blood donation; by changing the website layout according to festivals and holidays made it more lively; information is refreshed accordingly, to notify blood donors about blood donation activities and knowledge. Since the website revision in 2011, there are more than five million visits to the site; I-Blood Donation website has exceeded three million visits since its launch in 2010.
Social media development has gone beyond the use of E-mail and such one-way, passive, and non- real-time tools that once dominated in the past, user habits are shifting toward multivariate, multidirectional, multifunctional, and real-time social media tools. Facebook and Weibo provide more powerful platforms after the rise of Plurk and Twitter, evolving into irreplaceable mainstream internet giants. As a result, our blood centers have set up each of their own Facebook group pages so that people can learn information and interact with more ease; not only quicker, and for more people, being able to see blood donation event news on Facebook is proactive and convenient.
Smart phones have become very common, and mobile gadgets have gradually changed the way we use computers; therefore, we have produced a mobile blood donation location query system under limited manpower and funding, that allows people to use mobile gadgets at hand to find blood donation event locations whenever they wish to make donations.
Internet marketing tools constantly evolve. In the future, we hope to provide better services with the most advanced technology, platforms, and tools.
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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:7030
  • Last Update:2014/04/24 09:47:16