Business Operation
Current Status of Blood Donation and supply
Blood for Medical use
Our 2013 blood donation goal: whole blood donation of 2,267,000 units (250cc/unit), apheresis blood donation of 210,200 units, and 500ml blood donation rate of 37%. The actual numbers were, whole blood donation of 2,262,452 units, apheresis blood donation of 227,982 units, and 500ml blood donation rate of 41.37% .
Due to the decreasing trend of the actual needs of blood products by the hospitals in 2013 compared to 2012 (in which red blood cells products dropped by 2.9%, platelet products dropped by 1.7%, plasma products dropped by 7.7 %), we had a negative growth of about 2.5 % from 2012 to 2013. The blood donation per population ratio also dropped slightly to 7.54%, yet still above the rates of many advanced nations.
To enhance the blood quality and blood transfusion safety, we continue to promote the preparation of "apheresis platelet" this year, with a total annual supply of 224,985 bags, which accounted for 89.9% of all platelet supply; leukocyte-reduced apheresis platelets accounted for 27.1% of the apheresis platelets, with a growth of 32.6% compared to 2012. In order to reduce transfusion reactions, enhance patient well-being and improve the blood quality, advanced nations in Europe, America, Asia, and other areas (including: Austria, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom) have all been implementing "pre-storage leukocyte-reduction blood products" process on blood products. Such blood products are well recognized in reducing transfusion reactions compared to the post-storage leukocyte-reduction blood products method hospitals are using at bedside. Currently, the pre-storage leukocyte-reduction blood products that TBSF supply include "leukocyte-reduced RBC" and "leukocyte-reduced apheresis platelets", which have been our actively promoting key products in recent years, and have also been steadily getting recognitions and usages from multiple public and private medical institutions.
It is worth mentioning that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), uses the rumber of 10 RBCs per 1,000 inhabitants per year as a minimum requirement for adequate health care, while the actual red blood cells provided to hospitals by our foundation in 2013 was: about 48.5 bags (converted to international standard units)per thousand population, which is about the same as the United States' figure in 2011. With that, our foundation not only has a sufficient blood supply, but is also remarkably on par with the advanced countries .
"Ikang-Plasma Derived Products from National Blood":
Plasma derived products such as Human Albumin, Immunoglobulin, Coagulation Factor VIII concentrate, and Coagulation Factor IX concentrate are essential to many patients in hospitals such as hemophilia patients. Yet, for many years, Taiwan had almost entirely relied on imports. The birth of the National Blood Plasma derived products traced back to the end of 2006 during the international shortage, and the importers of human immunoglobulin were retracting out of the Taiwan market due to low reimbursement price from the National Health Insurance Administration, the Department of Health then set forth “the domestic blood for domestic use policy” after meeting with representatives from medical and pharmaceutical fields, to protect the rights of domestic patients, and to have our foundation collect source plasma since 2007, ship directly to the plasma fractionation factory to produce plasma derived products, and began to meet domestic demand in 2008, breaking the age-long monopoly of foreign-imported drugs, the Domestic- plasma products’ contribution to the National Health Insurance is enormous.
To coordinate with the government's "Domestic Blood for Domestic Use" Health Policy, we have collected 40,788.9 kg of recovery plasma in 2013, and shipped them to the Australian CSL Ltd. plasma fractionation factory in four batches to be processed into four kinds of "Domestic Blood Preparation Ikang" blood plasma derived products, include: 20% Human Albumin solutions, Human Immunoglobulin for intravenous use, 250 IU Coagulation Factor VIII concentrate, and 500 IU Coagulation Factor IX concentrate. TBSF continues to supply the blood product to domestic medical institutions in efforts to assist in the health care of our people.
In addition, for humanitarian aid and the proper usage of valuable medical resources, TBSF donated 2,000 bottles of Coagulation Factor VIII concentrate to the World Federation of Hemophilia in November 2013 to be transfered to nations in need. The love from the blood donors not only blessed our people, but also extended worldwide.
Strengthening blood safety to prevent transfusion-related infections
To strengthen the donor screening interview before blood donations to stop the occurrence of HIV infection through blood transfusion, TBSF continued to promote the "Minimizing HIV Blood Donation Project" in 2013. Educational videos and posters are used to remind people of high-risk groups to refrain from donating blood at all blood centers and blood donation locations. A "private interview space" was set up in each blood centers, blood stations and blood vehicles to allow donors to respond honestly in a private environment to the relevant interview questions. Experts have also been invited to conduct on-job training on the improvement of blood safety, and to improve the skills of staffs in screening and interviewing the high-risk groups. Furthermore, the "Conscientious Call-back" leaflet and poster have been constantly renewed, providing names and addresses of hospitals commissioned by the Ministry of Health and Welfare for anonymous screening of AIDS. Blood donors are urged not to use blood donation as a means for AIDS screening. Of all donors in 2013, the rate of HIV positive donation was 3.46 per hundred thousand donations, which reached the lowest in the last 5 years. It is apparent that our screening efforts proved to be effective.
To improve the blood quality and reduce the risk of blood transfusion-related infection, with a strong support from the government, NAT (Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing, including HIV, HBV, and HCV) was included and implemented in the routine tests since January 16th, 2013, and such tested blood products were to be supplied starting February 1st, 2013. It was expected to effectively prevent post-transfusion infections. Of the 1,702,783 people tested under the new NAT criteria from January to December 2013, EIA negative/NAT positive cases totaled 882, showing effective results.
To strengthen the ability and skills of the interviewing personnel, practical trainings were conducted regularly, experts were invited again to conduct interview procedure training programs, and Customer satisfaction survey was conducted by auditing and investigated by mysterious customers, to ensure the interviewing procedures were correctly carried out, to reduce high-risk group donations.
To continue improving arm disinfection methods on blood donors, we have assessed and started using chlorohexidine disinfectant in 2013, which will be used on blood donors who are allergic to iodine disinfectant, and is expected to reduce of platelet blood product contaminations.