Message from the Chairman

單圖版圖片 董事長胡惠德頒贈特殊貢獻感謝狀給台南市政府

Message from the Chairman

The total national blood Collection in 2013 has reached 2,490,434 units (including whole blood and apheresis), with the issues of 4,569,739 units of various types of blood products; national blood donation rate reached 7.54%, which adequately supplies the blood for medical use nationwide. The World Health Organization (WHO). uses the number of 10 RBCs per 1,000 inhabitants per year as a minimum requirement for adequate health care, while in 2013 TBSF issued red blood cells at about 48.5 bags (converted to international standard units.) Therefore, TBSF not only has sufficient blood supply, but is also remarkably on par with the advanced countries.
In line with the "Domestic Blood for Domestic Usage" national health policy and to relieve domestic plasma derived products shortages, TBSF began collecting recovery plasma from whole blood since 2007, and toll fractionted by the Australian CSL Limited. The plasma was manafacturing into four products, the "Human Serum Albumin Injection", the "Human Immunoglobulin Intravenous Injection", the "Coagulation Factor VIII concentrate", and the "Coagulation Factor IX concentrate." In addition to an adequate transfusion supply for the domestic medical institutions, based on humanitarian aid and the proper use of valuable blood resources, TBSF donated 6,111 bottles of Coagulation Factor VIII concentrate and Coagulation Factor IX concentrate to the World Federation of Hemophilia in 2011, followed by a total of 5,820 bottles of Coagulation Factor VIII concentrate to the World Federation of Hemophilia in 2012 and 2013, and the donations had reached to many countries in need. The love from the blood donors not only blessed our people, but also extended worldwide.
In order to continue improving the blood quality and secure the safety of blood transfusion, our blood centers will continue to promote and prepare "apheresis platelet ." The supply of this year reached 224,985 bags, accounting for 89.9% of all platelet supply; where "leukocyte-reduced apheresis platelets" accounting for 27.1% of the apheresis platelet supply, with a growth of 32.6% compared to last year (2012). In order to reduce transfusion reactions, enhance patient well-being and improve the blood quality, advanced nations in Europe, America, Asia have been implementing the "pre-storage leukocyte-reduction" process on blood products. Such blood products are well recognized in reducing transfusion reactions compared to the "post-storage leukocyte-reduction blood products" that some hospitals prepared at bedside. Currently, the pre-storage leukocyte-reduction blood products that TBSF supply include "leukocyte-reduced RBC" and "leukocyte-reduced apheresis platelets", which have been our actively promoted key products in recent years, and have also been steadily getting recognitions and usages from multiple public and private medical institutions.
All of our Blood Centers acquired ISO 9001 certification; Our foundation headquarters, Taipei Blood Center, and Kaohsiung Blood Center also acquired the Medical Laboratory Accreditation from Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF). Furthermore, to enhance the safety of blood transfusion and reduce the risk of transfusion-transmitted infections, we have implemented the Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAT) in a manner that fully covered the blood collected since this year. From January to December of 2013, a total of 1,702,783 donations were tested with NAT. The yield of the NAT testing reached 0.05%, which effectively reduced the risk of transfusion-transmitted infection.
The Foundation finds great importance to protect the blood donors' personal information, especially after the official announcement of the Personal Data Protection Act and its enforcement rules. The Foundation has established " Personal Data Management Committee" early this year (2013), and a "Personal Data Protection Enforcement Team" was created at each blood center, to actively enforce personal data protection measures. Regular audits are carried out upon the outsourced businesses, to implement security of every blood donor's privacy.
In recent years, in response to the dwindling of the younger blood donors caused by low birth rate and the downsized military force, our blood centers have been actively strengthening blood donation advocacy activities at schools and the military. In addition to regularly organized " advocacy seminars" and "Q&A prize contests", student volunteer recruitments have been expanded to promote school blood donation events, in hopes to effectively enhance and encourage young people to take part in blood donation.
As we look forward, the Foundation will continue to uphold core principles of integrity, harmony, efficacy, and innovation in sustainable development, and become a navigator in Taiwan's secured medical blood products resources. After the Taiwan blood donation business fully reaches the target equilibrium, continuity to improve the blood quality and service quality will be provided, to cater to blood donors and blood recipients with finer services.
Last but not least, to give special thanks to all the enthusiastic businesses and organizations supporting the movement of blood donation with all their love and passion. Without great support and guidance from all of you, the blood donation business will not be as good as it is in today, and full of recognition throughout the entire community. "Donate blood happily, receive blood safely" is the core value of our sustainable development, so please continue to grant us your love, support, and encouragement .


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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:6552
  • Last Update:2014/04/24 09:35:08