Program Activities-Information Technology

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System Renewal Takes Us To The World
Reconstructing the Blood Management Information System has been one of our major projects for the recent years. In the past year, we've been focusing on analyzing discrepancies between the functionality needs of each departments and the new system.
The renewal includes main frame, database, Internet Data Center (IDC), and Web-based software application system. The software application system includes blood management system, blood bank planning module, and web-based inquiry module. The eProgesa blood management software package by Mak-System Corporation will be implemented into the blood management procedures. The functions of eProgesa include phlemotomy, laboratory testing, component processing, medical affairs, and blood inventory/supply. The eProgesa software is designed with flexible parameter setting to meet regulations of countries concerned. For blood safety, TBSF (Taiwan Blood Services Foundation) will adopt the ISBT Code 128 barcode system. The donation number and component code have to follow the international standard. Because the ISBT Code 128 layout is very different from the current barcode system of TBSF, all the hospital’s information system and working process will be impacted. Blood Bank Planning Module includes group campaign planning, resource allocation, scheduling, annual sessions planning, and volunteer management. Were there any functions unprovided by the eProgesa package software, customization is required. Web-based inquiry module includes donor appointment, donor inquiry, component inventory inquiry, and ordering. Other than donor appointment and ordering, the other functions have to be customized.
The gap analysis between the current work process and the new system has been done in 2012. eProgesa system end-to-end process testing will be performed through three phases. Before the testing, the parameters of working processes have to be set in the testing environment. The key users have to be trained, and the testing cases have to be written down. All the testing cases are simulated and recorded. Any issue from previous phase will be checked in next phase. Each testing phase takes approximately four weeks to complete. The first two phases have been done in 2012. The scope and depth of each phase will be increased. Thorough practice will help the key users get familiar with the new system and resolve the issues.
Personal Information Security
The Personal Information Protection Act came to action on October 1st, 2012. This is a major impact on the government and non-government institutes which own mass personal information. TBSF has always been highly concerned with the privacy of donors and security of information. Staff members are reminded repeatedly the issues of information security. TBSF includes six blood centers to form the Personal Information Management Committee. There is a Personal Information Protection Promoting Group in each blood center. Various educational seminars are held for the staff. Consulting companies will be brought in to help check the personal information stock thoroughly, weakness analysis, risk evaluation and improvement, and draw up the personal information management regulation for TBSF. All of the activities aim to ensure the personal information of donors and staff is well protected.
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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:7383
  • Last Update:2013/05/03 10:44:47