Chairman’s Message


Another year has passed quickly! The entire staffs of the foundation and every blood center had been working hard during this year. I would like to appreciate all our blood donors and hope all satisfy the efforts that we made.
Considering to improve our blood donor services, we focused and paid more attention on donors’ healthcare. During the year 2015, we had offered three extra tests—Cholesterol, LDL-C, and an HbA1c — for frequent donors who are over the age 40 triennially. We also add BMI data to test reports to help donors manage self-health and prevent various chronic diseases caused by obesity and metabolic syndrome. To offer a comfortable environment for our donors, some small donation sites were moved to spacious locations. We also continuously upgrade the facilities and hope our donors have pleasant experiences.
The blood recipients can truly benefit from blood transfusion only when supervision of blood usage, blood quality, and blood safety adheres to the highest standards. For this reason,we have proactively cooperated with Taiwan Society of Blood Transfusion to establish a national haemovigilance program. And since 1st July 2015, we have also introduced and carried out two new strategies, male plasmas were predominantly provided for transfusion usage and implement leukocyte antibody screening for female apheresis platelet donors, to reduce the risk of transfusion related acute lung injury. By doing these, we aim to meet the highest level of blood safety and quality control.
Unfortunately, there were many disasters including air-craft accidents, dust explosion, and the outbreak of dengue fever happening in south Taiwan in 2015. After a calamity, we had immediately integrated the blood inventory of six blood centers, increased blood collection, allocated blood products to meet the medical needs and transport blood to anywhere in need. Donors and we provide our full support and hope all of the patients will soon recover.

Encouraging young people to develop the habit of donating blood regularly is a key task that the foundation is working on. In the current situation where Taiwan is transforming into an aging society with fewer children, the available sources of blood will decrease if young people stop giving blood. To date, there are no blood substitutes for medical use. We intend to supply sufficient blood for medical purpose by particularly promoting a “Young Blood”recruitment program to invite young people to enthusiastically respond to the activity of blood donation and become a happy blood donor.

We have more plans for the future including information system upgrade and overall automation in two years, which is going to reduce manual labor of our frontline staffs and avoid errors by automatizing and standardizing the operation procedure. We in this digital age expect to provide faster and more efficient web-based services.
The mission of Taiwan Blood Services Foundation is not just to maintain a balance between blood donations and blood demands, but also provide the safest and highest-quality blood.
Moreover, we also aim to take care of the health of our precious donors since only healthy donors can give safe blood. Considering social responsibility and improving medical and health care system, continuous innovation, research and development are our goals for the future. At the beginning of a new year, I expect that we will further integrate with the world and keep abreast with more advanced countries.

Ching-Chuan Yeh

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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:5127
  • Last Update:2016/04/27 03:20:29