Financial Department


 Revenue: Business income includes the income from domestic blood preparation and material fee income; donation income comes mainly from blood donation vehicles or blood transportation vehicles, as well as donations of bags, snacks and gifts for donors; remaining income comes from interest and such other areas as manufacturers’ compensation payments for defective products, blood research income and subsidies income.

Expenditures: Business expenses are mainly related to domestic blood preparation costs, blood bag fees, reagent fees, material fees and gifts for blood donors; research and development costs primarily consist of expenses for personnel training, equipment and consumption materials for research, quality research expenses and book expenses; management expenses are primarily office expenses, maintenance expenses, rental expenses and miscellaneous expenses; personnel expenses include employee pay and overtime; remaining expenses include social service expenses, property losses and employee pension reserves.
Efficient use offinancial resources
The balance of the year accounts for 3.25% of the total revenue; depending on the financial situation and the resolution of the board of directors, an adequate amount will be appropriated for the blood quality research and development account in order to implement the Foundation’s blood quality and study improvement program.
Enhancing financial management
To implement account review, the original vouchers, relevant case records and forms, and all expenditures are processed in accordance with the process and standard operating procedures in the "Electronic Operation of Expenditure Management and Internal Audit". Furthermore, a stocktake of assets was implemented at the end of December, and CPAs were commissioned to audit accounts and issue a financial report, which was reviewed by the board of directors and then submitted to the competent authority of the Health and Welfare Department.
QR Code行動條碼圖片
  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:5732
  • Last Update:2015/05/06 04:58:38