Goal and Missions


The Foundation is to practice a non-remunerated blood donation system, to conduct donation and supply of blood, to improve the quality of blood for medical use, to protect the rights of patients, and to enhance the health of the citizens. Specifically, the missions of the Foundation are:

  1. To plan and implement blood donation services;
  2. To establish blood donation systems, and to conduct research and development on safe blood use;
  3. To conduct research on blood science and technology;
  4. To collect , laboratory-test, and supply blood for patients of public and private hospital;
  5. To conduct research on the health maintenance of blood donors;
  6. To conduct matters concerning the use and safety management of blood suitable for transfusion;
  7. To plan and supply blood in large quantity at times of major disasters or wars;
  8. To commission toll fractionation , to storage and supply domestic plasma derived products;
  9. Other matters concerning blood donation and supply.



QR Code行動條碼圖片
  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:15353
  • Last Update:2022/07/19 01:33:30