From Blindness to Happiness


If you lost your sight, would you blame everyone and everything or try your best to live a happy life?

Cho Kun-Lin (卓昆霖) is visually impaired since birth. He has a blind right eye and a amblyopic left eye. Though with limited vision, he is as enthusiastic as other blood donors. Since becoming a regular blood donor at the age of 28, he has been giving his blood for 5 consecutive years, making a total of 29 donations. He said he will keep on giving his blood.
Blood donor Cho Kun-Lin is a massage therapist at Miaoli city. Though visually impaired since birth, he did not bemoan his fate. He is trying his very best to live a happy life. As a massage therapist, he provides massage service with his own hands. He has a smiling face. Every 2 months, he goes to the blood collection site located at Miaoli rolling up his sleeves to give blood. When asked what motivates him to donate blood, his answer was simple: “Because helping others brings me happiness."
Cho also encourages his friends to become a blood donor. He posts information about blood donation on social networks, hoping to recruit more blood donors. Though born disabled, it did not prevent Cho from living a brilliant life. He hopes to inspire others with his story.
Blood donor Cho Kun-Lin is visually impaired since birth, but he did not bemoan his fate. He donates blood every 2 months and lives a happy life.
Photo credit: Cho Kun-Lin
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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:1972
  • Last Update:2015/02/12 03:41:55