
單圖版圖片 新竹捐血中心和泰3號捐血車捐贈儀式


Exert organizational functions
The Foundation is a medical corporation established under the Medical Care Act. The Board of Director has 13 members and one supervisor, to supervise and direct the operation of the Foundation and the blood centers. Due to the passing of our chairman Dr. Guo-Shin Lin on February 11, the Board of directors held a re-election on March 8th in accordance to the Medical Act. Dr. Huei-Teh Hu was elected as the new Chairman and had called for three board meetings this year on March 8th, May 21st, and November 26th, fully utilized the powers of supervision and leadership. The sixth term of the Board of directors ended on December 31st, 2013, and the Board Nomination Committee was organized to submit candidates list to the Board of directors. Finally, the Board of directors completed the re-election of the 7th term directors and supervisors on November 26th.
The policies and business operation of the Foundation are carried out by the blood centers following the standard operational procedures. To promote internal communication and management, meetings of directors of the blood centers are called regularly, this year two times on April 23th and September 12th for business discussion. 
Emphasis on staff professional training
Staff training is the focus of the annual work plan. Blood collection, blood supplying, laboratory testing, blood components, public relations planning, finance and accounting, information technology, and administration were the main professional trainings. Training channels include expert seminars, book clubs, continuing education conferences with academic institutions, and sending staff to attend international academic conferences and courses to improve the staff professional quality.
Renovation of Workplaces
Workplaces of the Foundation and the blood centers are procured by relevant regulations and financial conditions. The land has already been procured for the Pingtung Blood Station under the plans for the extension of the Kaohsiung Blood Center. Workplaces are repaired and instruments and facilities renewed according to needs. For limited resources, some facilities are contributed by enthusiastic donors.
Strengthening the centralized procurement
The blood donation centers are set up in response to local needs, and their administrative affairs are managed independently. Since we are the only medical institution in the blood business, some special medicines or supplies rely on supplier to import or customize. To effectively reduce procurement costs, equipment, tools, and materials with high demand quantities are joint procured for centralized processing.


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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:6492
  • Last Update:2014/04/24 09:56:20