Program Activities-Finance

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The Financial Status
Revenues: Revenues of the Foundation mainly come from processing fees of blood products and blood components. Contributions are primarily in the forms of bloodmobiles, blood transportation vans, blood bags, and refreshments for blood donors. Other sources of incomes include incomes from interests, compensations from manufacturers for defective products, incomes from research used blood, returns from the Yu Shank bank Love Card credit card cash backs, and subsidies from the government.
Expenditures: Operational costs are direct costs related to the manufacturing of blood products, costs of blood bags, reagents for laboratory testing, supplies, and souvenirs for blood donors. Expenditures for research and development involve training costs, costs of devices and reagents for research, and books and journals. Administration costs include office management, repair and maintenance, rentals and miscellaneous. Personnel costs are mainly salaries and overtime payments. Others include loss due to scrapped properties and reserves for the retirement of employees. 
Adequate Use of Financial Resources
The balance of the year is 2.3% of the total revenues. According to the balance and by resolutions of the Board of Directors, certain amount of the balance is allocated to the specific account for research and development on blood quality to facilitate the eventual integration by the Foundation of NAT as part of blood routine testing and other blood quality improvement projects.
Strengthening of Financial Management
Financial auditing is strengthened. Invoices, records, forms and income balances are handled according to regulations of the financial management and internal auditing electronic operational procedures and standard operational procedures. Inventories of properties are taken in late December each year. Accountants are invited to audit accounts and make reports. Accounting reports are submitted to the Board of Directors for review and approval, and then forwarded to the Department of Health for approval. 

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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:6501
  • Last Update:2015/02/12 04:29:57